Trochu odvážné tvrzení, n'est-ce pas?DenGrasse píše:to Naylun:
Dle settingu DnD mají už všichni bardi a sorceroři v žilách dračí krev - to je to, co jim umožňuje kouzlit. (It is rumored that the magical powers of sorcerers and bards is somehow connected to the presence of dragon blood in their family tree...).
it is rumored - povídá se, říká se (A ta citace není ze settingu DnD, ale z popisu povolání NwN.)
Tome and Blood - a guidebook for wizards and sorcerers na straně 55:
… Sometimes a child is born of this union, and every child of that child unto the thousandth generation claims a bit of dragon blood, be it ever so small. Usually, little comes of it, through mighty sorcerers occasionally credit their powers to draconic heritage...